ACTWDs Blog Is Starting

Most of you that know me know that I’m out more days than not working with our clients and teaching them how to get their websites ranked. It has really become something I am passionate about and something I’ve really gotten good at. In all these years many of your stories have provided a learning experience and some of you I have used those experiences to teach others.

I guess it’s not a secret that  I mentor small business at the SBDC and teaching SEO there for the better part of 13 years now. The Internet Marketing Clinic has taken on a life of its own and has expanded with the help of the Houston West Chamber of Commerce  and the Woodlands Chamber of Commerce. I get to meet and spend a lot of time with some of you. But many of you are in different states, but still could benefit from what goes on here daily.

My average day consists of people asking me questions about their web sites. Why doesn’t it rank? Why can’t I use front page? Why should I use WordPress to build my site? And so on. I could blog for hours every day on what you all write me about. Your questions are good ones and its a rare day that we don’t know  how solve a problem. I guess 19 year will do that to a person. So I have decided this is my way to reach you. Whether you are our client or just someone wandering the internet that needs help. Write us, let us know what questions you have and maybe it will be an inspiration for me.

So with that said, I’m going to try and keep you up to date with what we are doing, what is coming down the pike and maybe what you need to be aware of that will make your website run better.

In case you haven’t heard Google is now going to start penalizing websites that don’t run right. I think its an interesting concept because they are talking about things like penalizing sites that are hacked (they have been doing that for a while).  And now they want sites to be mobile friendly and that found itself squarely on my desk. So this past week, we changed how most of our servers run to allow them to work in a way that passes googles speed test. I tested a bunch of our sites today and they all passed with flying colors, under 200ms each! So we are all 4/21/15 ready!!!  You can test your site here:

As for the web design, I redid ACTWD to make it mobile friendly and it now uses responsive design. I’m in the process of building out pages, and of course i’ll be adding pages that will explain what things are and how it can work for your business.

For my Houston bunch.  My schedule for 3/25 includes two classes: One on blogging and one on Mobile. I’ve added the class schedule to the site so you can sign up and register right here.


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