Full Service Web Hosting Should Include Security

When a business wants maximum security, reliability, and speed for their site, what they really want is full service web hosting. A lot of company owners fall into the trap of cutting corners in this area, and they eventually pay for it. What’s worse, it may not be immediately clear that there is a problem, right up to the moment where the site suffers a major security incident, or the site goes dark unexpectedly. In short, businesses get what they pay for, and if they choose the cheapest option available, what they are really doing is giving away most of their control over the site. A premium provider, on the other hand, works with their clients to give them the options they want, while preserving all of the control that they need.

What is the difference between full service web hosting and a cheap provider?

There are plenty of cheap and free options available, but they aren’t designed for high-priority sites, nor are they equipped for a business or e-commerce site that generates a lot of traffic. Free and cheap address providers take advantage of shared servers, which can negatively affect the way the site loads and performs. This is because all the sites that sit on a shared server share resources, so if one site is using more bandwidth than expected, other sites on the server will suffer a slowdown as a result. And, of course, cheap and free providers typically won’t secure their servers or work with a client if technical issues arise. Because of this, a business may find that their site has been booted off of the internet whenever their address provider feels like it. There is little motivation to retain clients, and for these providers, they may find it easier to just get rid of anyone who demands too much attention.

A full service web hosting service is on the other side of the spectrum, and actively seeks a meaningful business relationship with its clients. That means if any technical problems arise with the site’s speed, reliability or stability, both sides can determine how to alleviate the issue, and do it in a hurry. This is practically unheard of among free and cut-rate providers. Also, if the company needs to scale their site right away (to compensate for additional traffic, for example), a responsive provider will allocate the resources much faster, and ensure there is minimal to zero downtime in the exchange.

But perhaps most importantly, a premium provider can offer a dedicated space on a server, or an entire server for especially large and sensitive operations. That means no more sharing. The company gets a clearly defined pool of resources to draw from, and has its own space to install any software and security it needs to help the site run faster, and safely. Though this extra power comes with a nominal increase in costs, it will save a business in the long run with additional uptime and better overall site performance.

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