About Web Hosting

There is a world of difference between a deluxe web hosting provider and a free or cut-rate service. A company can hire a great web designer, market the site and reach its customers, but if it is trusted with an inexperienced gatekeeper, it will eventually come undone. The internet is like one huge neighborhood, and every site has an address. Depending on what service a company chooses, this address may be the equivalent of a luxury home, or a crumbling apartment building. And though there are many services to choose from, a business is going to get what it pays for, with few exceptions. If the company tries to cut corners in this area, they aren’t going to get the speed or reliability their site needs to be truly competitive.

What makes a deluxe web hosting provider the smart choice for a business?

A business should consider its address provider as an essential part of their team. All traffic will have to pass through their servers, and how this traffic is handled will determine whether or not people will want to return to the site, and whether or not the site remains secure.

With cheap and free services, keep in mind that a company does not get its own secured space, nor does it get its own dedicated resources. In general, these services offer shared plans, and if one site is experiencing a burst of traffic, or a security failure, it means all the other sites on the server will experience slowdowns, or even be compromised as well. In short, it’s a gamble, especially if a business relies on their site to capture clientele.

A deluxe web hosting provider doesn’t tie a business to a number of other, possibly unreliable sites. Instead, they give every business complete control over their space, and may even dedicate an entire server to a business. This means dedicated resources, so there’s no fear of an unexpected slowdown or downtime. Upload speeds will also be greater overall, and more consistent, so not only will the site’s visitors be happier, the site will be ranked a bit better, because Google prefers fast, reliable sites. Also, with a dedicated server, a company can install any custom software it needs to improve their site’s functionality, and to better secure it. This last point is particularly important, because e-commerce sites typically store a great deal of customer financial information. This information has to be secured properly, and any security breach can lead to legal ramifications against the business. Dedicated servers and IT assistance promote much better security overall.

And while that’s a lot of extra benefits to consider, it doesn’t come at an exorbitant cost. Usually, full service is available at around $100 a month, which is a bargain for a business seeking functionality, reliability, and security for their site.

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