Houston Internet Marketing Clinic

Since 2003,  Beth Guide and Vertical Web have been holding its Internet Marketing Clinic for business owners all across Houston. Our SEO classes cover a wide variety of topics on an ever changing landscape. Each class is uniquely taught where as our particpants are the drivers of the class and  topics are often customized to the participants, which makes this a unique experience. We have never repeated a class in the nearly 2 decades we have been doing this. 

The original clinic was run though the SBDC, as a night class, but has evolved to period day classes.  In 2012, Beth added the Houston West Chamber of Commerce., which are open to members and non-members free of charge. In 2016 we added  the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce. And in 2019 we added Houston Community College in a partnership with SCORE, which has opened our class up 350+ students per month, since going virtual. We also work with Lone Star College and its entrepreneur programs. 

 Virtual and On-Demand SEO Classes 

In March of 2020, because of COVID, we began offering our SEO Classes via Zoom. This allowed to have  Houston SEO classes but extended our reach beyond South East Texas.  Students will have the option to attend in person or via Zoom meetings. Best of all each class is captured and available on demand though our YouTube channel. For a detailed schedule please visit  Houston SEO class 

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Internet Marketing Podcast

Houston's Internet Marketing Clinic
Houston's Internet Marketing Clinic
Beth Guide

Houston's Internet Marketing Clinic has been a popular ongoing SEO and Digital Marketing Series since 2003. Created by seo expert Beth Guide, this podcast is designed to help business owners, learn the tips, tricks, techniques, and lingo of internet marketing. We cover different topics each week in how to help our listeners succeed in having a web site that works for their business, works for their customers but also works for Google so that it is highly ranked and visable. We also teach conversion and user related concepts that help our listens learn how to maximize the ROI. With over 600 attendees each month this podcast expands our clinic and makes it more available to our business owners so they can participate on their timeline.

On Demand SEO Classes


Internet Marketing Minute

From Our Blog

August 2024 Internet Marketing Clinic Schedule

Internet Marketing Clinic Schedule August 2024 In Person Classes are Back! August 21, 2024 – In Person Topic Covered:             ...
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Google Leaks and What They Mean for SEO and Small Business from an SEO Expert

Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe to Our Podcast Apple Podcasts | RSSUnexpectedly, the SEO community was gifted a leak. Just as everyone was wringing their hands ...
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SEO Hacks: Easy Ways to Win at SEO

Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe to Our Podcast Apple Podcasts | RSS SEO Hacks: Ways to win at SEO  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a crucial ...
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